Print Ear Savers for your community
Join the 2 Million Essential Ears Initiative
Thank you for helping! We’re surrounded by heroes in masks: people working on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis to keep us safe. We’re so grateful you’re here to help them get what they need! If you're outside the US, don't use this form - instead, post your offer here.
Here’s how it works:
Fill out the short form below so we know who to match you with.

When someone in your area needs Ear Savers, we’ll introduce you via email.

You’ll provide ⅛” (3mm) acrylic* and print the needed Ear Savers and deliver them.

While you’re waiting, spread the word to friends and family. They can visit and get free Ear Savers, so we can make more matches.

Once your Ear Savers are delivered, fill out this form again to be matched with someone else in need of your help!
Together we can #Save2MillionEars!
What can you contribute?
Your help is welcome whether you can print 5,000 or just 50. One 12 x 20 sheet of acrylic prints 77 Ear Savers in about an hour.
Bigger numbers will match first.
What delivery options work for you?
Your information
What's your first name? (Required)
Last name? (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Phone Number
Laser (Required)
Your Address (Required)
Please start typing, then choose from the drop down. This will help us find matches in your community. We won't share your address with anyone.